Hot Java

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This song was released on February 24, 2023 and my first release as "The Donald Schulz Project".  This music was first performed for the first time at my Mom and Dad's 25th Wedding Anniversary.  Several years later I rearranged the music and recording this in a 24 track studio in Edmonton, Alberta with some friends and some additional professional musicians.  This became a very limited release and one of the last things that I pressed into a vinyl record.  The music centers around a good cup of coffee.  One of the signs that indicated to us as kids that company was coming was the sound of the very loud percolator that would be whooshing away making that hot cup of Java.

This version of the song takes some parts of the original recordings that I made and combined that together with some new tracks and instruments that I recorded.  Giving it a more up to date sound but the feel is pretty much the same.  This music pairs very nicely with a good old cup of coffee.
